Web Designer.
Web Developer.
I enjoy creating things that have a home on the internet. Let’s find your thing and give it a home.
An example of a Bootstrap-driven “Simple” site. Bootstrap is a powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit. Build and customize with Sass, it utilizes a prebuilt grid system and components that brings projects to life with powerful JavaScript plugins.
An object-oriented program whereby instances of a golfer class and their yardages can be added, updated, or removed from a database. Created with Python, SQLite, and Flask.
In addition to the database, there is a “virtual caddie” where users can input yardages, wind speed, and elevation to output an adjusted yardage based upon those variables.
About Me
A developer experienced in creating high-functioning full-stack web and mobile applications.
At The Turn
A WordPress website that uses JavaScript and Weather APIs to display current weather conditions at different golf courses. There is also a Virtual Caddie to suggest a club based on distance, wind, and change in elevation. Built using JavaScript.